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aws s3 cp s3://{BucketName} {Local} --recursive |
AWS static website
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# 1.Route 53 Create Hosted Zone # 2.Certification Manager Request a certificate # 3.S3 Create Bucket Upload files [Manage public permissions] set [Grant public read access to this object(s)] in [Set permissions] step Properties Static website hosting set enable # 4.Cloudfront Create Distribution Restrict BucketAccess = YES Origin access identity = Create a new identity Grant Read Permissions on Bucket = Yes, Update Bucket Policy Viewer Protocol Policy = Redirect HTTP to HTTPS Alternate Domain Names = [mydomain.name] Custom SSL Certificate Default Root Object= index.html(your initial page) *Copy Security.Origin Access Identity “Amazon S3 Canoncial User Id” 5.S3 Permissions ACL(Access Control List) Add account Insert copied “Amazon S3 Canoncial User Id” and check List objects Read Bucket Permissions 6.Route 53 Create Recored Set Alias = Yes Select xxx.cloudfornt.net |